How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts (Step-By-Step Guide)


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This post shares an easy, step-by-step guide for how to grow broccoli sprouts from broccoli seeds. It only takes a few days to grow your own superfood sprouts without any dirt. Learn how to make fresh sprouts right on your kitchen countertop.

fresh broccoli sprouts in a bowl on table with purple flowers.

Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can easily learn how to grow broccoli sprouts from broccoli seeds. Broccoli sprouts do not come from a regular head of mature broccoli, but they are sprouted from little broccoli seeds that you can purchase.

The best part about sprouting broccoli is that you don’t need to have a green thumb or any dirt whatsoever. All you need are a few tools to start sprouting broccoli seeds right on your kitchen countertop.

In this article, I’ll share my step-by-step guide and exclusive tips for growing this healthy food at home in a matter of a few days.

Health Benefits

Broccoli sprouts contain sulphoraphane that has research behind it showing its cancer-fighting properties including against breast cancer, H. pylori, inflammation, and more.

Sulphoraphane is a powerful antioxidant that we should be consuming as often as possible from a variety of cruciferous vegetables. Antioxidants are great for the immune system and for reducing oxidative stress, risk of cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Getting the health benefits from cruciferous veggies through consuming organic broccoli sprouts is an easy nutrition hack. You can also get the health-promoting properties of broccoli through a sulforaphane supplement, but they are quite expensive.

Equipment & Ingredients

Skip the expensive sprouts at farmer’s markets or at specialty health food stores and learn to make your own at home instead! You’ll save tons of money and have a fresh batch of edible broccoli sprouts on hand at all times.

Sprouting vessel

The simplest method to grow sprouts at home is to use a Mason jar with a strainer lid (also called a sprouting lid). Another easy method is to use a Sproutamo Easy Sprout Sprouter that is absolutely perfect for broccoli sprouts.

The Sproutamo even has a built-in filter that makes it very easy for rinsing the sprouts. If you plan to grow sprouts on a weekly basis, then I highly recommend getting this piece of equipment which is inexpensive and perfect for this type of sprout.

Or, you can also try this glass sprouting jar with a straining lid. This one is also great and has the benefit of being a glass container as opposed to plastic.

sprouting jar for making broccoli sprouts at home.
Sproutamo easy sprouter.

Broccoli seeds

You will also need to buy some broccoli sprouting seeds either online or available at most health food stores.

My preference is to purchase organic broccoli seeds. You’ll need about 1-2 tablespoons of broccoli seeds per batch of sprouts. You can save money by purchasing non-organic, GMO-free broccoli seeds if you prefer.

ingredients needed for sprouting broccoli seeds.

Step-by-Step Guide

Let me show you how easy and cost-effective it is to make your own broccoli sprouts right at home.

process shots in a collage for how to sprout broccoli seeds.

Day 1: Soak the Broccoli Seeds

To get started, you’ll need to soak your broccoli seeds in a small bowl filled with water. This helps prepare the seeds to sprout. 

Put the bowl in a dark space like a dark cabinet for at least 8-12 hours to soak. 

Day 2: Transfer Seeds to Sprouting Vessel

After you have soaked the seeds, it’s time to rinse them in cool water and transfer them to your sprouting vessel. You’ll need a mesh lid or fine mesh strainer to rinse the seeds and get rid of the excess water.

For the next 48 hours, you’ll need to keep the sprouts in a cool, dark place, such as a dark pantry or a kitchen cabinet. You’ll also need to rinse the sprouts at least 3 times a day with fresh water.

That’s when the Easy Sprouter comes in really handy. It has a built-in strainer so all you have to do is hold it under the kitchen sink to rinse the sprouts under cold water.

broccoli sprouts on day 2 of sprouting.
Broccoli seeds on Day 2.

Days 2-4: Sprout & Rinse

After about 24 hours of being in the sprouting vessel, you’ll see that the sprouts will start to form, although they will be more yellow than green until you reach the last step.

Keep rinsing the seeds several times a day and keep them in a dark area away from sunlight. Make sure to drain out any excess moisture to prevent mold from forming.

broccoli sprouts on day 4 of sprouting.
Broccoli seeds at day 4.

Day 4 or 5: Move the Sprouting Vessel Out of the Dark

Once the sprouts have reached about a half-inch to full-inch in length, it’s time to move the sprouting vessel out of the dark and expose it to some sun. This will be around day 4 or 5 of the sprouting process.

We don’t want to put the vessel in direct sunlight, but just in some nice indirect light for about 12 more hours. This will help develop the lovely green color that fresh and healthy sprouts should have.

picture of broccoli sprouts on day 5 of sprouting.
Broccoli sprouts on day 5.

Day 5: Harvest the Sprouts

The last step is to harvest your sprouts.

By day 5, they should be fully grown and nice and green. All you have to do to harvest them is give them one really good final rinse and transfer them to a glass bowl with a lid (or any other airtight container).

Your 1-2 tablespoons of broccoli seeds will yield about one cup of broccoli sprouts.

You can also dry them in a salad spinner or pat them dry with a paper towel.

Store them in the refrigerator for up to 5 more days.

broccoli sprouts in bowl on wooden table ready to eat.

Sprouting Tips

  • Taking into account both the soaking time (12 hours) and sprouting time (3 days), allow for a total of about 3 1/2 – 5 days days total to grow and harvest your broccoli sprouts.
  • Freshly harvested broccoli sprouts will keep in the refrigerator in an airtight container for about 5-7 days.
  • Not all seeds are appropriate for sprouting. Be sure to buy seeds that are labeled “for sprouting,” including any type of alfalfa sprouts or bean sprouts.
  • There is a small chance that you can grow mold during the sprouting process. Sprouts should smell fresh and should not be “stinky” at all. If in doubt, don’t eat them. And, pregnant women and anyone with an immunocompromised system should be cautious about consuming raw broccoli sprouts due to the risk of e. coli. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have concerns or questions.
  • Believe it or not, broccoli sprouts are a great food for picky eaters! They are less bitter than fully grown broccoli florets and they have a texture that kids like too.
  • If you’re looking for broccoli sprout recipes or how to eat broccoli sprouts, then I’ve got you covered too. I love putting them in my Broccoli Sprout Smoothie or as a garnish on my Costco Quinoa Salad or my Costco Chicken Salad. They would also go great in my Cancer Fighting Smoothie or even in a stir-fry.

Sprouting FAQs 

What is the white fuzz that looks like mold?

You should know that the little fuzzy parts of the sprouts are totally normal. They’re micro “hairs” meant to help draw moisture into the sprout, and it’s not mold.

That said, you should let your nose tell you if your sprouts have gone moldy. Any kind of sour smell is not normal and means that they’re probably not safe to eat. I’ve only had this happen once in about fifty times, but it can happen. If you live in a location with very humid conditions, your sprouts are more likely to grow mold.

Always be cautious when consuming raw sprouts and ask your doctor or healthcare provider if you have concerns about whether or not sprouts are safe for you.

Where can I buy broccoli sprouts?

If you don’t want to grow them at home, you can most often buy broccoli sprouts at natural food grocers, the grocery store, or at your local farmers’ market. But, they are usually really expensive.

It is much more cost-effective to grow broccoli sprouts at home! You can also use broccoli sprout powder or purchase a broccoli sprout supplement for an even more convenient options.

How long does it take to grow broccoli sprouts?

Taking into account both the soaking time (12 hours) and sprouting time (3 days), you’re looking at a total of about 3 1/2 – 5 days total from start to finish.

In warmer climates, it can take less time to grow the sprouts. But, you’ll need to keep a close eye on them and rinse them often to keep any harmful bacteria from growing.

How long do the sprouts last after they’re finished growing?

You can keep them in the fridge for about a week after you harvest them.

What do broccoli sprouts taste like?

They are slightly spicy but they don’t have a super strong flavor. Check out my list of ways to eat broccoli sprouts

I hope you make this recipe! If you do, please leave a comment and a starred review below.

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broccoli sprouts in dish ready to eat.
  • 2 tablespoons broccoli seeds
  • 1/4 cup water

  1. Soak the broccoli seeds overnight in a small bowl with filtered water.
  2. Transfer the seeds to a sprouting vessel and place in a dark, well-ventilated space. This can be either a pantry with a door or a kitchen cabinet. 
  3. Rinse the broccoli seeds daily for 2-4 days.
  4. Move the broccoli sprouts out of the dark once the seeds have started to sprout and grow (on about the 3rd or 4th day). The sprouts should be about 1/2-inch to 1-inch in length. 
  5. Harvest the broccoli sprouts once they reach the desired length after about the 4th or 5th day. The sprouts should be green and fresh-smelling.
  6. Rinse the sprouts before consuming.


  1. Taking into account both the soaking time (12 hours) and sprouting time (3 days), allow for a total of about 3 1/2 – 5 days days to grow and harvest your broccoli sprouts.
  2. Freshly harvested broccoli sprouts will keep in the refrigerator in an airtight container for about 5-7 days.
  3. Not all seeds are appropriate for sprouting. Be sure to buy seeds that are labeled “for sprouting.”
  4. There is a small chance that you can grow mold during the sprouting process. Sprouts should smell fresh and should not be “stinky” at all. If in doubt, don’t eat them. And, pregnant people and anyone with an immunocompromised system should be cautious about consuming raw sprouts. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have concerns or questions.
  5. Believe it or not, broccoli sprouts are a great food for picky eaters! They are less bitter than fully grown broccoli florets and they have a texture that kids like too.
  6. If you’re looking for broccoli sprout recipes or how to eat broccoli sprouts, then I’ve got you covered too. I love putting them in my Broccoli Sprout Smoothie or as a garnish on my Costco Quinoa Salad or my Costco Chicken Salad. They would also go great in my Cancer Fighting Smoothie or even in a stir-fry.


  • Serving Size: 1 tablespoon
  • Calories: 3
  • Sugar:
  • Sodium:
  • Fat:
  • Saturated Fat:
  • Trans Fat:
  • Carbohydrates: 0.2 g
  • Fiber: 0.3 g
  • Protein: 0.2 g
  • Cholesterol:

Keywords: sprouted broccoli seeds, how to sprout broccoli, broccoli sprout guide

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About the Author: Carrie Forrest has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in nutrition. She is a top wellness and food blogger with nearly 10 million annual visitors to her site. Carrie has an incredible story of recovery from chronic illness and is passionate about helping other women transform their health. Send Carrie a message through her contact form.

Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your individual situation.

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